The upcoming movie, Ghost in the Shell, features Scarlett Johansson in a leading role, but her casting has sparked controversy as many believe an Asian actor should have been chosen for the part.
In a recent interview, Johansson acknowledged the importance of diversity in Hollywood and made it clear that she would never want to play a character that may offend anyone. She spoke about the controversy surrounding her past roles and expressed a desire to be more mindful in future projects.
Rupert Sanders, the director of the movie “Ghost in the Shell,” remains firm in his decision despite the backlash it received. He claims that those who were involved in the production of the original anime are in favor of Scarlett Johansson playing the lead role.
Scarlett Johansson may surprise you with these five lesser-known facts: she’s contemplating a career in politics, once snuck her breast pump into the Oscars, influenced Katy Perry’s hit “I Kissed a Girl,” may have missed out on a role due to her sex appeal, and isn’t fond of being called “ScarJo” by the media.